Sunday, September 26, 2010

New to the world of blogging.

So, with being new to the world of blogging you will have to excuse the minor errors and scattered content. I am not a very organized person (although I would love to be) and am working diligently to find a way to organize my world and keep it that way.  Blogging, I hope, will be a way to share some of the funnier and maybe not so funny misadventures of life in my world.  I have 2 beautiful daughters--my oldest will be 9 October 30, 2010 and her nickname is Toad and my youngest is 5, her birthday is April 20th and her nickname is Monkey. They are amazing kids who have run me through the ringer. There is also my wonderful significant other who's trail name is CrankyBear. We have been together 4 and 1/2 years and he is awesomely supportive in all of my hair-brained ideas. He is also the voice of reason, he is great at pointing out all of the things I don't think of. 
I live in a zoo. We have a dog (Max), we have a cat (Squeaky), and we have 2 hermit crabs who's names change with the kid's mood.  Max is a mutt I got about a year and a half ago, he fits in well. Squeaky has been with us for about 4 years now, she is sweet and I doubt I could have a better cat.
Aside from being a mom, I also work full time in sales and am currently looking for a new job. I am not a fan of sales and am on the search for something that isn't so much in the sales area of occupations or at least not high pressure sales.  I do a lot of crafting and with all of that I started a facebook page and artfire account to sell items I have made, but with no luck.  It's ok though because I can use what I have made for gifts for friends.  I also LOVE to read. CrankyBear's mom got me a Barnes & Noble Nook for my birthday/christmas/every holiday til next  So from time to time you may see a book review pop up. 
Well I am at work and am going to go read for a bit and hope that time passes quickly so that I can go home, I promised the kids that I would help them get their room straightened out.  They recently got new beds and I haven't finished getting everything put back in order yet, but hopefully we can make a dent tonight. They also asked me to paint some pictures for the walls and I need to get those put up for them.

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